Explore Peptide Therapy

Peptide therapy is a treatment method that uses peptides, which are chains of amino acids, to treat specific concerns by encouraging cellular growth.

Revory Peptides

  • IFG-1 LR3
  • Sermorelin
  • NAD+

We have a wide variety of other peptides as well! Please contact us to get started!

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  • IGF-1 LR3

    Insulin-like growth factor is a highly anabolic hormone that is released in the liver as well as in the peripheral tissues in response to the GH so that a new muscle could be built.


    • Increases muscle mass and strength
    • Supports fat loss
    • Improves blood glucose management
    • Decreases inflammation
  • L-Carnitine

    L-Carnitine is naturally occurring amino acid.


    • Transport fat in the cells to be used as fuel
    • Improve nutrient absorption
    • Improve insulin sensitivity
    • Enhance benefits of testosterone
    • Help with weight loss
  • Melanotan

    Melanotan is derived from hormone melanocyte stimulating hormone. This stimulates melanogenesis which helps individual improve their ability to tan, increases sexual arousal, as well as suppresses appetite.