Darin Fox - Owner and Founder
About Darin
Darin graduated from Calvin University with Bachelors of Science in Operations Management, Human Resources, and Marketing. Darin has a passion for health and fitness and founded Synergistic Labs in November 2021.
Our Mission:
Synergistic Labs was founded with the goal of mitigating health risks for bodybuilders by providing simple and affordable access to lab testing. Over time, Darin felt an obligation to offer medical oversight and a wider range of services to optimize health for all individuals.
How Are We Different?
Many patients have come to us expressing that they did not feel that their health concerns were fully heard by their physician. It is our goal that every patient feels that their health concerns are fully addressed and are comfortable with their personalized care plan following their appointment. We are not a clinic that seeks to over prescribe medications and have as many patients as possible. Our goal is to provide high quality care an affordable price.